Research Interests

Dmitri Petrovykh

Dr. Dmitri Petrovykh is a physicist who has been working for nearly two decades on interdisciplinary projects with biologists, chemists, engineers, and materials scientists. He has extended his original expertise in using advanced surface analysis techniques to a broad range of fundamental and applied research topics, including functionalized surfaces, nanostructured materials for energy and catalysis, nanocharacterization, nanomedicine, bioanalytics, and biointerfaces.

Dmitri is particularly interested in two types of biointerfaces: those between biological molecules and surfaces and those between cells and nanoparticles. Understanding and controlling such interactions will help to design customized biointerfaces for biotechnology and nanotechnology: biosensors, DNA microarrays (a.k.a. "DNA chips"), self-assembly of nanostructures, nanomedicine, and bioinspired applications in materials, energy, and catalysis.

Dmitri Y. Petrovykh has co-authored 86 publications and 205 presentations.


Dr. Dmitri Petrovykh is a Corporate Expert at INL, using his broad expertise in science and technology to promote interdisciplinary research activities as well as productive partnerships with industry. Dmitri has over 20 years of experience in the physics, chemistry, and biology on surfaces and nanostructures. He is a recognized expert in quantitative surface analysis of molecular films, DNA and peptide biointerfaces, and nanostructured surfaces and materials.



Professional Activities

Contact Information

Email Dmitri with any questions, comments, or requests.